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Showing posts with label women's health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women's health. Show all posts

Yeast Infections Complication in Women

Written By technology factory on Saturday, 5 November 2011 | 17:59

Yeast infections are often caused by existence of yeast that is present in low numbers in the vagina, digestive tract, skin, bowels or mouth. Pregnancy, antibiotics and frequent exposures to semen may lead to an overgrowth of these organisms that cause infection.

What is Yeast infection?

Vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis is caused due to the overgrowth of an organism called candida albicans. The evidence of this kind of fungus is often found in vagina in small numbers.
17:59 | 0 comments | Read More


Infertility is basically a disease of the reproductive system that hinders the working of one of the body’s most primary systems: the reproductive system and consequent conception of children.
Conception is a complex process that is determined and affected by many factors such as the production of healthy sperm by the man and healthy eggs by the woman; unblocked fallopian tubes that let the sperm reach the egg; the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg when they meet; the ability of the fertilized egg (embryo) to become implanted in the woman's uterus; and adequate embryo quality. Also, for the pregnancy to continue and result in a live birth the embryo must be healthy and the woman’s hormonal composition must be satisfactory. If any one of the above factors is missing, the result is infertility.
17:58 | 0 comments | Read More

Post-Menstrual Syndrome: Is It A Myth

Just like men may suffer from severe conditions that can inhibit their lives and cause them tremendous difficulty in their daily lives, women also may have problems. These problems may be related to the physiological make up. Sometimes, problems such as these may be taken to be a myth. However, Post-Menstrual Syndrome cannot simply be put down as a myth. This is because of the fact that it is a real condition that many women do suffer with. The symptoms of Post-Menstrual Syndrome are real enough as an immense amount of time has been spent on it. Research in this direction still continues in order to easy the symptoms, and it has been a subject of interest since the 19th century.
17:54 | 1 comments | Read More

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: Is it a Myth part 1

Just like men may suffer from severe conditions that can inhibit their lives and cause them tremendous difficulty in their daily lives, women also may have problems. These problems may be related to the physiological make up. Sometimes, problems such as these may be taken to be a myth. However, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome cannot simply be put down as a myth. This is because of the fact that it is a real condition that many women suffer.  
The symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome are real enough as an immense amount of time has been spent on its research. Research in this direction still continues in order to identify the symptoms of PMS as it has been a subject of interest since the 19th century.
17:53 | 0 comments | Read More


In a girl, the age of puberty comes when she has menstruation. This stage can sometimes be very confusing for girls. Some are very eager when the stage comes and some are afraid and are anxious when this period is going to start.
Girls normally go through the menstruation stage between the ages of 8 and 13; which lead to many changes both physically and emotionally due to the hormones in ones body. The first menstrual period for a girl usually occurs when her breasts begin to develop. The menstruation cycle starts about two or two and half years after the development of them.

Understanding the Menstruation Process

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Why More Women are HIV Positive

Though men and women may have similar immunity levels, it is their individual social behavior that may reflect their health condition. This is particularly worth emphasizing on with regard to sexually transmitted diseases.
For decades now, one of the most feared diseases, AIDS is still widespread. Surprisingly, AIDS is a rampant disease in many parts of the world, including developed countries. You will be surprised to learn about some of the statistics regarding this disease, which are, to say the least, appalling.

HIV Statistics Shows More Females are infected Than Males

According to statistics, it is found that women are almost 2 to 2.5 times more likely to get infected with HIV Positive than men. This is clearly the result of social behavior by people regarding their sexual activity.
17:49 | 1 comments | Read More

How Good is High Fiber Diet for Women

"If a woman does not feel well, she will go to a doctor, but if a man is unwell, he will normally try and ignore it."
According to the Greek physician Hippocrates 'a wise man ought to realize that his health is his most valuable possession, unfortunately most men fail to take this advice seriously. The fact is that a man’s average life is shorter than that of a woman’s average life and for fifteen years of that life he can expect to be chronically ill.
A survey states that over a third of American men have not had a medical check up last year, while around nine million men have not visited a doctor in five years. These statistics are staggering. It is estimated that men make a 150 million fewer trips to the doctor than women, every year!
17:48 | 0 comments | Read More


Abortion, by some people, is assumed as an illegal act and considered a crime against humanity. At the same time living in this world of modernization and advancement of scientific technology, others advocate that some times abortion becomes a necessity, thus abortion must be legal and moral. Therefore the debate is between the two schools of thought, pro-life and pro-abortion.
The world has shrunk into a global village. Now each and every issue has gained due importance. Taking the case of abortion, it became a conflicting issue between the liberal and the conservative schools of thought.
On one side the conservatives believes that abortion is a crime against humanity and it is next to killing a human being. Therefore there is no need to let the women participate in making decisions for abortion as the women do not understand the side effects; they believe that abortion will harm her physical and psychological health.
17:46 | 0 comments | Read More

A Brief Discussion On Cancer Affecting The Health Of Women

Though ever-new forms of diseases and ailments are affecting today’s women, one that is perhaps taking the greatest toll on the general health of American women is cancer. Due to a number of problems, the highest ratio of afflicting disease found in women is cancer in its various forms.
A survey carried out by the National Cancer Institute as of years 2001-2002 predicted that by the end of 2003, there would be an estimated 658,000 women diagnosed with cancer. Out of this huge figure, some 270,000 women will eventually die of the same disease.

Different Types of Cancer Complications in Women

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