The Holy Quran has laid down many prohibitions for the betterment of man, his environment and the society. I explain here only those prohibitions, which relate to the safety of the health etc. for example, the Quran said:
They question thee (O Muhammad) concerning menstruation. Say: It is a harm (sickness), so keep away from women in their menstruation, and do not approach them, till they are cleansed. And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allah has enjoyed upon you. Truly, Allah loveth those who turn unto him, and loveth those who have care for cleanness. (2/222)
Menstruation is the periodic discharge from the vagina of blood, secretions, and disintegrating mucous membrane that had lined the uterus. The normal human menstrual cycle is 28 days, but no women is precisely regular and cycles are as short as twenty one days or as long as 35 days are not abnormal.
When the menstrual flow starts, the uterus contracts to expel the blood and disintegrating endometrium. These contractions may be painful. During menses, some women undergo pelvic discomfort, soreness of the breasts and emotional tension. The normal secretion of the blood is very important and any impediment or stoppage in the flow may endanger the women's health. The Quran, therefore, prohibited the men from sexual intercourse during menses with their wives as this will harm them and may cause endrometritis, uteritis, vaginitis, vulvitis, excessive bleeding, or even its stoppage. The man may also contract some disease from her, if he goes to her during menses.
The Prophet (sallallaho alaihi wasallem) explaining the verse said, "You can do every thing with your woman except intercourse. (i.e. penetration into vagina).(Muslim)
However, the injunction of the Quran given into ignorance age still holds good by our modern medicine and to avoid intercourse during menses is healthful to both husband and wife.
It may be noted that any and every breach of prohibition of the laws of shariat is punishable in the Hereafter. The Muslims who have transgressed the limits should offer their penitence with a resolution not to repeat it.