7 Negative Effects of Facebook
Written By technology factory on Wednesday, 7 December 2011 | 10:26

- Dunia Blog said...
untungnya udah gak keranjingan lagi ama pesbuk...
mending blogging ah banyak manfaatnya.. -
11 December 2011 at 04:38
- Kejadian FAcebook "Off" Kemarin Ternyata Berdampak Besar said...
semua pasti ada efek p[ositif dan negatifnya. Dan sepertinya FB itu memberi dampak positif bagi dunia bisnis, buktinya FB off bentar aja uda banyak yg kelimpungan. Info selengkapnya bisa kunjungi blog (maaf spam bos)
anda jg boleh copas kok (kan sama2 bertema teknologi), tapi jgn brutal ya hehehehe.. -
4 June 2012 at 02:50
- loverianet said...
Hi, I am Narvada. Right now I am creating a blog about Internet and everyday life issues where Facebook is linked to. So, I felt concerned d by this article of yours and my view is that I personally think Facebook is not the cause of bad things in our life but it is our mismanagement of time, life and Facebook makes this tool looks bad.
I do not really agree that Facebook has only 7 negative sides as the negative as you may biased for the fact that you are giving your point of view. As in some cases, it might be good for a some and bad for others . So it is subjective!
However, it has been shown to us by the news shows that Facebook is exerting a dramatic impact upon many of us. To some extent it true that Facebook has many bad sides but it comes bad only if one uses it in the wrong way. Hence, I think one should not trust privacy online and instead be more cautious about the every post that one publishes. Then Facebook will no more be a reputation eraser but instead a profile manager which will display your profile as per the degree of security the user has opted for. In this way, maturity is the key to use that tool properly. Why not educating kids, parents and everyone about ‘facebooking’ in a safe way?
Here is my link http://internetandeverydaylife102.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/91/
Join in and lets us have a debate on this issue over there!
20 September 2012 at 06:12